Understanding PHP and Why Keeping It Updated Matters for Your WordPress Site

Understanding PHP and Why Keeping It Updated Matters for Your WordPress Site

Hello fellow WordPress nerds!

If you’ve ever wandered into the back-end of your website, you might have stumbled upon something called “PHP.” Today, we’re here to demystify PHP for you, explain why it’s important to keep it updated, and show you how to do it yourself.

What is PHP? 🤔

Imagine your WordPress website as a car. PHP is like the engine that makes the whole thing run. 🏎️ Without it, your website wouldn’t be able to do all the cool things it does, like displaying pages, processing forms, and managing content.

In simple words: PHP is a coding language that works behind the scenes to make your website function. It tells your website how to look and behave.

Why You Should Care About Updating PHP 🔄

You might be thinking, “Why should I bother with this technical stuff?” Well, there are a few really good reasons:

1. Speed and Performance 🚀

Just like how a newer car engine runs faster and smoother, an updated PHP version makes your website load quicker. A fast website keeps visitors happy and improves your chances of ranking higher on search engines like Google.

2. Security 🛡️

Older PHP versions can be like leaving your windows open at night — they can be easily targeted by hackers. Updating PHP helps protect your site from unwanted intruders.

3. Compatibility 🧩

Updating PHP ensures that your themes and plugins work smoothly. Think of it like an app on your phone that gets better with updates.

The Impact on Your Business 📈

Updating your WordPress PHP version isn’t just about keeping your website in tip-top shape — it’s about protecting and growing your business. Here’s how:

  • Customer Trust: An up-to-date and fast website builds trust and keeps visitors coming back.
  • Revenue: A slow or insecure site can turn customers away, affecting your sales and conversions.
  • SEO: Google loves fast websites, and updating PHP can help improve your search engine rankings.

How to Check Your PHP Version 🛠️

Ready to see which PHP version your website is using? It’s easier than you think! Here are two simple ways:

Via the WordPress Dashboard:

  1. Log in to your WordPress Admin area.
  2. Go to Tools > Site Health.
  3. Click on the Info tab and expand the Server section.
  4. Look for the PHP Version info.

Through Hosting Provider:

  1. Log in to your hosting control panel (like cPanel).
  2. Find the PHP Version section (it might be under Software or Advanced Settings).
  3. It will show you the current PHP version your website is using.

This is different for every provider, let us know if you need help!

Where to Find the Latest Supported WordPress PHP Version 🌐

To ensure you’re using the latest and greatest, head over to the official PHP website. They always have the latest version listed. You can also check WordPress’s official recommendations to see which PHP versions are supported.

When writing this post, PHP version 8.3 was the latest version!

Make sure your hosting provider supports the latest PHP version. If not, it might be time to have a chat with them or consider moving to a provider who does support the latest PHP version (like us!).

Conclusion 🎉

Updating your WordPress PHP version might seem like a small task, but it can make a BIG difference for your WordPress site. From faster loading times to improved security and better SEO rankings, there’s no downside to keeping things up to date.

So, go ahead, check your PHP version, and update it if needed. Your website (and your business) will thank you! 💼✨

Got questions or need help? Reach out to us at Bronte – we’re here to help! 🧑‍💻📞