Why Custom Websites Beat Page Builders Every Time

Why Custom Websites Beat Page Builders Every Time

Hey there! If you’re a business owner or website owner thinking about using a page builder for your WordPress site, read on. 

Page builders like Elementor, Divi, and WP Bakery are super popular because they make building websites easy. But here’s the thing – they come with a lot of hidden downsides that can slow you down. Let’s dive in! 🌊

What Are Page Builders? 🤔

Page builders are tools that let you create websites by dragging and dropping elements without needing to write any code. Sounds cool, right? However, they are widely used because they are simple and convenient.

The Downsides of Page Builders 🚫

Performance Issues 🐢

Page builders often make websites load slowly. Imagine trying to run with a heavy backpack – that’s what it’s like for your website with all the extra stuff page builders add.

GT Matrix grade of F for radius care

This website scored an F on GTmetrix.

It was built with Elementor and was performing terribly even on the best server for WordPress hosting.

Then, the same website scored an A on GTmetrix.

While we did add some Bronte magic, we didn’t change anything about the server, all we did was get rid of Elementor.

Bloatware 🚯

These tools come with a lot of features you might never use, like carrying around a toolbox just to use a single screwdriver. All this extra “junk” makes your website bulky and slow.

Incompatibility and Lock-In 🔒

Once you start using a page builder, it can be hard to switch away. It’s like getting stuck in a spider’s web – complicated and messy.

The Benefits of Bespoke Website Development 🌟

Speed and Performance 🏎️

Custom websites are like sports cars – they’re built for speed! They load faster because they don’t have all the unnecessary features slowing them down.

Tailored to Your Needs 👔

Think of a bespoke website like a custom-made suit. It fits perfectly and looks great because it’s made just for you.

Greater Flexibility 🤸

With a custom site, you can add any feature you want, whenever you want. It’s like being able to customize your dream house down to the tiniest detail.

Better Security 🛡️

Fewer plugins mean fewer holes for bad guys to sneak through. A custom site is safer and more secure.

Easier Maintenance 🛠️

Custom websites need less fixing because they’re built just for you. It’s like driving on a smooth road instead of a bumpy one.

Real-Life Examples 🌟

At Bronte, we’ve helped many clients move away from page builders. Some clients even saw a huge drop in page load time and a big boost in their search rankings after switching to a custom site.

Conclusion 📝

Page builders seem easy, but they come with a lot of hidden costs that can slow your site down and make it harder to manage. For the best performance, security, and flexibility, a custom-built website is the way to go.

Ready to make the switch to a faster, more secure website?